Advanced Equine Arthroscopy Course

Events Calendar

Advanced Equine Arthroscopy Course

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Friday, 21.03.2025




2 Tage

This course includes in-depth presentations on arthroscopic and tenoscopic techniques as well as the latest developments in the field of arthroscopy. Four extensive wet-lab sessions will provide substantial time to put this into practice in small groups under the guidance of experienced instructors. During these sessions, the state of the art arthroscopy stations will additionally be equipped with the Arthrex Nanoscope to gain experience with needle arthroscopy.


Klinik: Prof. Dr. Florian Geburek, Dipl. ECVS TiHo Hannover, Ger
Dr. Bruce Bladon, Dipl. ECVS Donnington Grove Veterinary Group, UK
Nicole Verhaar, PhD, Dipl. ECVS TiHo Hannover, Ger
Andrea Noguera, PhD, Dipl. ECVS Hanseklinik, Ger
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lischer, Dipl. ECVS FU Berlin, Ger
Date: 21 and 22 March 2025
Location: Clinic for Horses
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Bünteweg 9
30559 Hannover, Germany
ATF-Anerkennung: requested
Number of delegates: 18 (max. 3 per arthroscopy station)
Costs: advanced arthoscopy and tenoscopy course: 1.950 Euro
ECVS residents, GPM-members: 1.750 Euro
  • The prices listed are excluding tax (VAT)
  • The prices include dinner on the first day, lunches and coffee breaks



Day 1 (9:00 - 17:30)


  • Well-equipped into surgery
  • Needle arthoscopy
  • Stifle arthroscopy
  • Bursa podotrochlearis bursoscopy
  • Case presentations and discussion

Wet labs (4h per day)

  • Stifle
  • Bursa podotrochlearis


Day 2 (8:00 - 17:00)


  • Intrasynovial treatment
  • Tenoscopy of the carpal sheath
  • Tenoscopy of the tarsal sheath
  • Coffin joint arthroscopy
  • Cervical facet joint arthroscopy
  • Case presentations and discussions

Wet labs (4h per day)

  • Carpal and tarsal sheath
  • Coffin joint & demonstration cervical facet joints


Klinik für Pferde - Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

Bünteweg 9

30559 Hannover

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