PDF Formular Kaufuntersuchung (Englisch)- Prepurchase Examination

PDF Formular Kaufuntersuchung (Englisch)- Prepurchase Examination
PDF Formular Kaufuntersuchung (Englisch)- Prepurchase Examinationkaufuntersuchungsvertrag_englisch
23,80 €(20,00 € without VAT) each

The German Equine Veterinary Association (GEVA) Purchase Examination Contract 2018 in the version of March 2020 takes into account the adaptation of the X-ray guidelines to new scientific findings and the development in case law, in particular the increased liability risk of veterinarians examining a purchase. The contract consists of the examination order, the protocol and the general contractual conditions of the clinical and radiological examination.

Fillable pdf – 6 Seiten – 2. Version von 2020

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